Festival of Frugality #8!
It's available now!
It's really good this week. Chock-a-block full of tips on saving money on dining, mutual funds, wireless broadband access and more!
Just tidbits about money and finance.
It's available now!
Read the first two posts here and here.
Read the first part of the series, click here.
The Carnival of Personal Finance is available at Fat Pitch Financials!
I was inspired by Free Money Finance. FMF writes lots of series about financial topics, which I now realize is a really clever way of getting readers to come back to his site! (Boy, mappy, you really are bright sometimes.)
The NADA Guides. My friend works there and pointed out their guides to me. Her family runs dealerships and she said they list prices that are more favorable to the seller overall. So check them out. They aren't as well-known as KBB, but if you do a trade-in, the dealership certainly knows about them since they're probably a member.
Money Blog Network is the consolidation of 5 great personal finance blogs, two of which are listed on the left, Free Money Finance and Consumerism Commentary
I made a bunch of deposits this week so I moved the Save-O-Meter to 34%. Progress, but slowly.
The Festival of Frugality is up at Canadian Capitalist!
Looking for cheap silverware, dish sets? Fur coats? Try thrift stores. It takes a dedicated thrift store shopper to find good deals, but you can definitely save a lot of money.
I heard this story about poorly written tattoos on NPR.
Silk. Wonderful, beautiful, lustrous silk.
This isn't a recipe per se, but a recipe idea.
Wow. I've just lost all credibility with personal finance bloggers.
Over the last 3 days, the design of this site has changed a lot. Well, okay, only the sidebar really. I've put in more Google ads, claimed by blog at BlogShares, and put on FeedBurner links so you can subscribe to this blog more easily.
I seem to have lost all squeamishness about ad placement. But do tell me if it's intrusive. I figured information about myself is not so important, so I stuck it at the way bottom of the sidebar. I also thought my goals were very important, so those went to the very top.
1) Please don't leave anonymous comments.
I'll get around to serious financial topics someday when I'm fired up about it. I've just got too many posts in my head right now that it's bursting. I should retitle this blog, Mapgirl's Fiscal Obsession. I've been dreaming of new posts in that sleepy state right before full sleep.
Talk of the Nation had a conversation on Tuesday with John Edwards about poverty in America.
Found it at Boston Gal. She's a peach!
EDIT: Someone complained without leaving their name or a way to communicate. Their criticism was invalid since I later realized they thought I was talking about the generic Korean word for soup, 'kuk', instead of 'jook'. So nevermind and just enjoy the soup and beware the Internet.
I got a new assessment last week. I've been staring dumbly at the paper. I know my condo has appreciated, but now the assessed value is more than what I paid for it. I don't think that I could get this price on the market if I sold it today.
Like many PF bloggers, I have a
On Wednesdays I go out to knit at Panera. I usually buy dinner there. Today my strategy was to take two frozen dinners to work. Eat one for lunch and one right before I leave for Panera. This worked out nicely for me. I usually spend about $7-10 for a large meal with beverage. Because I had already eaten something, I ordered a hot tea when I arrived. Later on, I smelled some burnt sugar, that appealing caramel scent. I got a sweet treat, two actually. One for now and one for later.
The nice thing of being subscribed to lists with like-minded folks, or meeting people with similiar interests is that the things they give away you might actually have a shot at enjoying, and not just junking later.
My 401k Rollover account hit $3000.00 on 3:00am on Saturday morning.
CNN has posted an article about debt strategies for your holiday hangover.
Stew cubes are cheap meat. They are great for slow cooking. Just rinse them, cut them up if you want smaller pieces, dump into a crock pot with veggies, whatever else you like, and cover with water. Wait 12 hours and voila! Soupy-stewiness.
There's really no saga. It's just a catchy title.
A lot of retail shops have 'Friends & Family' coupons for about 30% off regularly priced items. I have figured out a good way to use them. When you get one of these things, take a look at your schedule and your closet. Sometimes these are one-day or one-weekend coupons. They are useless if you can't get yourself to the mall on that day. When you look at your closet, figure out what you NEED or would like to have, then go to the store's website and pick out what looks appealing to you. I'm not so frugal as to say I don't splurge on the occaisional trendy item for the season. I just don't do that on a weekly basis.
Ok, I admit, this is addressed to folks who like cooking Asian food, which I find an annoyingly time consuming process so I rarely do it. I'm not sure what kinds of bargains you can find overall at the Asian food mart, but for certain specific things, it's a very good deal.
The Carnival of Personal Finance is up at Savvy Saver, and yours truly is the fourth one listed!
"Didn't your momma ever teach you not to pay retail?"
Silly Mapgirl! You have a traditional IRA not a Roth. There was no need to open a new account for your 401k rollover.
I've been adding folks like crazy.
Gambling is NOT a viable retirement strategy. It's a stupid tax, much like a sin tax on liquor and cigarettes. It taxes dumb people for their own stupidity and ignorance about statistics. I should know, I play the lottery.
Goya beans are cheap at the grocery store. If you learn how to make beans, you can save money. The nutritional trick is to have rice and beans together at the same meal to make it a full protein replacement. Eating beans or rice alone doesn't have the right amino acids to make complete proteins.
So last week I made a pork tenderloin. Tonight I ate the last of the frozen meals and I'm thawing out the .5 meal for breakfast tomorrow morning. I think I ended up buying meals at restaurants 5 times last week. 1 on Sunday when I was at work, fries to augment a lunch, 2 dinners out with friends, and another lunch at work because I forgot my lunch at home. I actually ate most of the salad mix I thought I would waste too. That's a big surprise.
I loathe advertisements. But I want a second stream of income. Well, at this point, it's a third or fourth. (I am getting 3 W-2's for 2005.)
When I go to the office, I am Frumperella. I have always been taught to dress professionally for work. When I was debating in high school and in college, my mom would make sure I got skirts that fell all the way to the knee.
My girlfriend in NYC is someone I've always admired for her ability to save. Granted, when we were young in San Francisco, she didn't have any student debt like I did. Even so, she was very careful with her money and how she spent it.
Pennsylvania has a neat savings program for low-income families. It was profiled on the front page of The Wall Street Journal yesterday.
A telemarketer just called. I thought it was my boyfriend so I picked up.
Weird synergy! Last night I wrote this post and saved it to publish tonight. Meanwhile, Boston Gal had a similar post
I'm still learning to navigate Blogger. Yesterday I published two posts that I wrote on Tuesday night. I thought that if I waited to publish them, that it would be listed under the date published. But nope, Blogger stores it in the order you create the posts. That sucks. I'd like to have new content for my readers every day, but I'm not fond of writing every day.
What can I say? I own a condo in the DC area. I'm totally freaked out. But then again, I have a pretty modest place. It's not new construction. It isn't luxury. It's just a solid place to live that's convenient for my commute. It's clean, safe and affordable. It will probably desirable for a while since folks are having a hard time finding any place under the $200K price point in this area.
The Infinite Mind radio program has a fantastic show about Hoarding and Clutter.
Nina at Sitting Pretty has a great post on this topic, primarily about power and equality.
I like Holly Ordway at Spending Wisely. I find her website interesting and helpful because it's about changing your entire mindset on spending. She believes the key is to spend less and to question why you are spending the money.
An article on credit card debt in the US.
Welcome to my non-spambot commenters! They are real live people! One I actually know in real life even!
Sometimes having to work from home is a good thing. I get to leave work an hour or two early, hit the grocery store before it gets insanely crowded and plan a few meals.
I thought I should start out by reviewing what was good about 2005.
People think it's weird that I don't own a TV. I don't. I have other stuff to occupy my time.
I probably won't post daily. My job and social life don't really permit that. But I will have some content shortly, primarily reposts of stuff I put up on LJ. If possible, I'll try to update them with newer information or additional content. I'd like this blog to be a little more profressional and not just a musing about money.
This blog is an outgrowth of my old blog at LiveJournal. I think my boyfriend got tired of reading my financial obsessions, and my LJ friends are too nice to say anything about it to me. I was also the only person posting to the financial communities I subscribed to, so I decided to take the plunge and open a topic-specific blog.